Cross Commodity Position/P&L Analytics Demonstration
See how you can use the Risk Module to deploy cross commodity position, p&l slice/dice drill through capability across natural gas and crude.
What Entities can I use in this demo to slice and dice and do drill through analysis to get descriptive, diagnostics, advanced and predictive analytics? Trade Type, Trade Type Group, Buy Sell Flag, Hedge Spec Flag, Counter party, Asset, Asset Unit, Commodity, Grade, Book, PL Indicator, Delivery Date, Delivery Month, Delivery Year, Report Date. The risk module comes predefined with 38 such entities arranged in a multi level hierarchy.
What measure can I use in this demo to slice and dice and do drill through analysis to get descriptive, diagnostics, advanced and predictive analytics? P&L, Position (Volume), Trade Price, Market Price, Difference of Trade and Market Price. The risk module comes predefined with 42 measures.
Can I get to an equivalent position across all commodities? Yes, Use MMbtu equivalent in top left visual of the demo
Can I look at more than one report date? Yes, use the report date slicer to slice five different dates
Can I use my data instead to test drive Big Analytixs platform? Yes we will help you set up a no obligation complimentary trial. Click here to get started
How configurable are the data pipelines and workloads? The platform comes packaged with predefined extractors for all types of sources.