Impact of Sectoral Trends like Electric Vehicle, Energy Efficiency, Commute Times, Macro and Micro Economic Parameters on Consumption Demonstration
See how you can use the our platform to deploy predictive analytics to study the impacts of sectoral trends on energy supply and consumption i.e. electrification of transport sector, distributed energy penetration, macro/micro economic trends, construction industry trends, regulatory impact etc.
What Entities can I use in this demo to slice and dice and do drill through analysis to get descriptive, diagnostics, advanced and predictive analytics? Demographics, Economic Data, Credit Worthiness, Housing, Commute & Consumption.
What measure can I use in this demo to slice and dice and do drill through analysis to get descriptive, diagnostics, advanced and predictive analytics? Predict Bankcruptcy, predict likely adoption of electric vehicle, predict what energy efficiency initiatives a particular customer would be interested in, predict how to contact that customer, predict fraud and waste in economic assistance programs for customers and predict what private businesses are likely going to offer electric vehicle charging stations.
Can I use my data instead to test drive Big Analytixs platform? Yes we will help you set up a no obligation complimentary trial. Click here to get started
How configurable are the data pipelines and workloads? The platform comes packaged with predefined extractors for all types of sources.